at Inversnaid Photography Centre Scotland

Sponsored by Linhof & Studio, Lotus and Bergger and with thanks to Colin Myers and Barbara Boyce for their help.

Tutored by Tillman Crane & Andre Goulancourt

A line up of participants and some of the cameras. From left: Canham 5x12, Barry Wilkinson, Andre Goulancourt, Canham 10x8, Roger Cuthbert, Tillman Crane, Lotus 20x24, Marianne Chapman, Gandolfi 5x7, Graham Whitwham,Liz Johnson,8x20 old timer and Steven Taylor.

Is it not digital? Tillman initiates Roger...

Andre,Liz and Marianne indoors with the Lotus 20x24

Old & new. An unnamed 10x12 old timer and two Canhams

Tillman demonstrates the Lotus 12x20

Photo karate - the ancient art

Andre, Graham & Steve setting one of the 8x20 with Packard shutter.

You just squeeze the bulb - What?

Barry making the work on a Canham 5x12

The Lotus 20x24 goes trekking

Steve's first 20x24

Little & large

Lake of Menteith church- Roger & Canham 8x10

Tea break

Andre yet again demonstates his buiscuit disappearing act

Canham 11x14

Liz finally manages to get out of the bag, Canham 11x14

Damn! They do not fit into the film drying cabinet.

The last word

Barbara -"does size really matter?"

Steve thinks he knows the answer to that one!